The Importance of Roofing Repair

Your roof takes a lot of abuse from weather and other elements. Wind, rain, hail, bitter cold, intense heat, falling branches, and objects are just some of the insults your roof is subject to.

Cambridge Roofing addresses these issues to keep your home protected and looking its best. It can involve re-roofing, patching, or replacing shingles.


A roof leak is a common problem that can cause serious water damage in your home. It can lead to mold, mildew, and rot in wall and ceiling coverings, wood framing, and other components of the structure. This can decrease the value and marketability of your home and create health concerns for your family. If left unchecked, it can also ruin insulation and cause an increase in your energy bills.

Getting the leaks repaired as soon as possible is critical. Water stains and discoloration on ceilings are the first indication that there is a problem. Look for water spots in attics and crawl spaces as well as on walls. The sooner you can get the issue resolved, the less likely it is to grow into a larger problem that will require extensive and expensive repairs.

Water leaks can be difficult to locate because the damage usually shows up far from the source. One trick is to use a hose to simulate rain and see where water runs. You can also push aside the plastic vapor barrier between the attic insulation and the drywall to look for flow stains. If the water is running close to electrical wiring, it can be a fire hazard and may produce short circuits in nearby drywall and appliances.

Leaks around plumbing vent boots are another common issue. The plastic or metal bases that cover the vent pipes on the roof can crack, allowing water to drip down and into the house. It’s a good idea to replace the boots whenever you notice leaking.

Old caulking is another common culprit of leaks in dormers and walls. You can inspect the caulk with a putty knife and re-caulk any areas that seem damaged. However, extensive damage to dormers and walls should be looked at by a roofing contractor as soon as possible.

Other roof problems that can be spotted from the inside include open field leaks, which occur when shingles aren’t staggered properly or nails aren’t placed at the proper height. Typically, this can be fixed by sliding a flat flashing card under the shingle where it meets the sheathing.

Ventilation is an important aspect of your roof that should be checked regularly to ensure it is working properly. This will help prevent costly repair issues in the future and extend your shingle life. A properly ventilated attic can significantly cut cooling and heating costs while also reducing electricity bills.

Poor ventilation in an attic can lead to a variety of issues. The most obvious sign is excessive moisture buildup in the attic, which can cause mold and mildew to grow. This can ruin stored items and pose health concerns for your family. If left unchecked, it can also cause serious problems with your home’s structural integrity.

Another sign of ventilation issues is the presence of hot or cold spots in the house. These are caused by inadequate or uneven distribution of air, which can be a result of improper insulation or blocked or damaged vents. If you notice this, you should call a roofing contractor to make sure the air is flowing freely through your attic.

When ventilation is not working properly, the attic can become hotter than the rest of the house. This can damage the shingles and allow heat to escape through the attic and into the living space. This can cause significant cooling and heating bills and can shorten the lifespan of your shingles.

Insufficient attic ventilation can also lead to ice dams in the winter. This is because the warm attic causes snow to melt and then freeze later when it cools down. The resulting ice dam can lead to leaks and damage the roof structure.

Proper attic ventilation can significantly lower energy costs and protect the overall roof structural integrity. If you are having trouble with your roof ventilation, you should contact a professional roofing contractor to check for problems like sagging, leaks or shingle damage and address them. They can also evaluate your insulation to ensure that it isn’t blocking the attic vents. They can then add more attic vents or change the location of existing ones to help restore the proper airflow through your attic and into the house.

Flashing is a crucial part of any roof, as it protects chimneys, plumbing vents, skylights and other vulnerable areas. It’s made of metal strips that are installed on the seams and edges of roofs to prevent water leakage. Flashing is also responsible for directing water away from the roof and into gutters. Moisture that penetrates the roof can cause rot, mold and structural damage. Usually, this damage can’t be seen from the ground, but you might notice signs of leaks in your attic or water stains on fascia boards.

It’s not uncommon for flashing to get damaged over time, especially if it’s exposed to the elements. Rain and wind can blow debris into the area, and hail or falling tree branches can damage it. Flashing can also rust over time, especially if it’s not properly maintained or protected. A roofing contractor can inspect and replace flashing to ensure it’s in good condition.

Generally, roof flashing is made of galvanized steel or copper. If you’ve noticed rust spots or holes in your flashing, it’s time to call for a roof inspection. These issues may not seem serious at first, but they can lead to extensive and expensive water damage in the future.

Another common problem with flashing is poor installation. This can be a result of a DIY project or simply a lack of experience. Incorrect nails, incorrect laps and a lack of sealant can quickly cause problems for your roof. A roofing contractor will know how to install new flashing and make sure it’s watertight.

It’s important to remember that roof flashing protrudes underneath your shingles, so you will need to remove the affected shingles and repair the flashing before reinstalling them. This process can be difficult for homeowners to do themselves, but a professional roofing contractor will have the right tools and skills to get the job done safely and efficiently. It’s also worth mentioning that it’s never a good idea to just lay a new layer of flashing on top of an old one. This will trap moisture underneath the shingle, which can lead to rot or mold.

Many homeowners are unaware of the role their roof plays in protecting their home until something goes wrong. If you see a missing shingle, water stains on the ceiling or walls or curled up ends to the shingles, those are all signs that your roof may need repairs. The sooner you address these problems, the less damage they can cause.

A roofing repair is often as simple as replacing a single shingle or even just the corner of a shingle that has come loose. In these cases, you’ll need a few basic tools like a hammer, flat pry bar and utility knife.

Once you’ve climbed onto the roof (be sure to wear proper safety equipment), slide your pry bar under the shingle you want to replace. Use it to gently lift the tabs of the shingle above it and reveal its nails. Carefully pull up the shingle, then remove the nails and the old sealant strip beneath it.

If you’re simply repairing a crack in an existing shingle, the best way to do it is to apply a thick bead of roofing sealant with your caulking gun. Place the new shingle over the spot, then push it down and secure it with a shingle nail or two.

Asphalt shingles are designed to adhere to each other, but over time, they can lose their seal and begin to separate from each other or even fall off. To prevent this, you can reseal them with roofing tar.

In general, however, shingle repairs are better left to an experienced roofer, as using a tar sealant is a temporary fix at best. It may hold the damaged shingle down for a while, but it won’t stop your roof from leaking or becoming more vulnerable to other kinds of damage.

Depending on the location of your roof and the extent of the damage, the repairs you need to do could be as simple as replacing a few shingles or as complex as re-shingling your entire roof. A good roofer will make sure that the replacement shingles you select match those on the rest of your roof in style, color and material for a cohesive look that will last.